They gave us a golden ticket from solos and a set with milestone badges. I pick Mariota from solos and 2 times Jimmy Graham from the milestones set.
I got 4 free ut’s last yr had night train, sanders, thomas and someone else I can’t remember.
and if you pulled a dupe... they had a decent quick sell value too! 50 or 100k I forget which. I enjoyed the shit out of those cards. B Marsh and Mike Evans SS, were my favorites!
I had 6-7 UT's by the end of MUT17 last year. There was a Free UT from the Fan Appreciation solos (we got a NAT UL this year). Then they came out with the Developer UT's and you got one of those from doing all the objectives from the 2016 Campaign promo (And it was auctionable, and you got some sweet 97-99 NAT's as well). Then they did the Milestone badge trade-in which is where everyone could get half a dozen NAT UT's really easily.
Lol yeah I ended up the year with like 6 or 7 NAT golden tickets last year. It was great haha. I did the milestone solos but didn’t do the milestone sets.
Yeah I bet there will be an NAT free one and a trade in set for tokens or something.
it was late though ... like a month after THEY ALL were released.
but i feel you and they probally will OP
they should really clutch us one😂😂