
Pryor is the best GT QB and most original GT so far. Cam is pathetic.

Watson and Pryor are basically the same except Pryor is one less speed and less accel, but............... he has 20 points of strength and carry.  He is the better QB than Watson and whoever made him is a lot more intelligent than whoever has made these other cards.  Cam Newton is the most disappointing card ever.  Who cares about a card that is slightly better than his previous card and doesnt have Conductor? 

Wait maybe Cam has 98 trucking and 95 strenght?  Nope all in the 80s like Pryor lol.   Pryor has conductor though.


Thank you !


Cam has 94 carrying though


Quote from operation_hawks >>  Carrying and strength is irrelevant

Coming from a guy that lost 23 WL games and cant win a salary cap game in order to get ST.


I haven’t used Watson or cam GT cards but I got Pryor for around 800k and it’s one of the best cards I’ve used all year. I really like how he’s playing after 10+ games and I can’t imagine spending almost double for cam or Watson, especially when the Pryor cards chems are exactly what I need.


Carrying and strength is irrelevant


Honestly I agree. I picked up Pryor mid way through this weekend leauge, went from Vick to him and Pryor absolutely beasted until the last second. Won my last game to get 17 with a 40 second drive all the way up the field scoring a touchdown with 6 seconds left in the game and Pryor throwing straight up dots all the way up the field. Sold him after weekend leauge because his price might keep on dropping, looking to pick him back up when he drops more though.


I agree,  He is the best as of right now pic of him fully chemed Pryor fully chemed


He also has height compared to Watson too. 2 inches taller.


Pryor should have had like 97 speed, then it would have been awesome.

I just saw the other thread saying the same thing.  I just made this without looking lol.  I guess I am not the only one.


Watson and Pryor are basically the same except Pryor is one less speed and less accel, but............... he has 20 points of strength and carry.  He is the better QB than Watson and whoever made him is a lot more intelligent than whoever has made these other cards.  Cam Newton is the most disappointing card ever.  Who cares about a card that is slightly better than his previous card and doesnt have Conductor? 

Wait maybe Cam has 98 trucking and 95 strenght?  Nope all in the 80s like Pryor lol.   Pryor has conductor though.