
How does 97 Mel Blount play?

Interested in buying him. He'd go alongside NTL and Woodson. Should I put him in the slot or leave Woodson there?


Toughness Blount should still be good because of his height. I’d just go to coach settings and match DBs up by speed


Thanks guys. Bought him a little while ago.


I use his toughness@ T5, plays great in the slot, i use NTL and Woodson on the outsides, quite a few times i have compared newer players with more chems, but no one can beat the ST along with Clutch/Big hitter/Strip ball.


He's a goon in the slot with that height and ST. I run NTL at CB1 and Woodson at CB2 and play a 46 Defense.

All I do is put him and 96 Chancellor on Cloud Flats and with their 6'3 height, they can attack out routes/corner routes easily.


That's my top 3 and the play great. Blount is in the slot.


put him in the slot and with tier 5 blanket hes a 99


He’s great I would put him in the slot.   My favorite corner is Ltd Mel Renfro - but I would imagine is a little more expensive than  Blout at this point.


Put blount in the slot, ive been running him there and love him. A little low on the speed i guess at this point but i dont have issues with it being hes not on the outside


Interested in buying him. He'd go alongside NTL and Woodson. Should I put him in the slot or leave Woodson there?