Quote from jaybird13 >> I can't imagine another QB topping him. Meets all the thresholds, easily gets up to 99 throw power, never fumbles.
He's quickly gaining on Bo as my favorite QB this year. Something about trucking DBs with a QB that makes me smile.
I think Jackson will be better, because he will have better chemistries, faster, better juke and spin, and similar carrying... I would never try to truck these days because the db's are now humphrey and NTL, ST and a secure tackler SS...
I can't imagine another QB topping him. Meets all the thresholds, easily gets up to 99 throw power, never fumbles.
He's quickly gaining on Bo as my favorite QB this year. Something about trucking DBs with a QB that makes me smile.
He is a blast to play with .... u don’t have to worry about ever sliding!!!!
Cams the best that broken gunslinger doesn’t effect him because of his height and he launches 65 yard high point dots
Quote from Mediocre_Gent >>
Quote from WLJones228 >> Forces throws and senses pressure are both AI traits.
This. I'm pretty sure Clint Oldenburg confirmed that in a podcast. I believe the only one he said might have affect on a QB is the throws spiral trait, but even that's minimal and you really won't notice it.
Seems like it would be relevant with that chem that Khalil Mack has.
Quote from WLJones228 >> Forces throws and senses pressure are both AI traits.
This. I'm pretty sure Clint Oldenburg confirmed that in a podcast. I believe the only one he said might have affect on a QB is the throws spiral trait, but even that's minimal and you really won't notice it.
Quote from Nikelz81 >> As much as I hate to say it cam has been playing great for me. Throws r on point like shot out of cannon and when I do run he hasnt fumbled
Ya I have done probably 100 QB draws with zero fumbles. I have been messing around testing him out and losing seasons games not running the META, but I am having fun playing with him. I probably wouldn't be using Cam, but I use MTS chem and the only way I can max out all the chems I want and get a QB to 99 throw power with T6 Go Deep is Cam because of the X3 MTS. I compared him and Marino in the Legend Gauntlet Solo where you have to throw a 99 yard TD and Cam's ball seems to have a bit more zip on it for some reason, maybe the strength or one inch of height?
As much as I hate to say it cam has been playing great for me. Throws r on point like shot out of cannon and when I do run he hasnt fumbled
They are perfect right? Oblivious to pressure, clutch, throws tight spirals.....the only trait I was wondering about was forces passes aggressive. I am assuming that is only for when he is being controlled by the AI since you are the one throwing the ball lol.
They are perfect right? Oblivious to pressure, clutch, throws tight spirals.....the only trait I was wondering about was forces passes aggressive. I am assuming that is only for when he is being controlled by the AI since you are the one throwing the ball lol.