
So no Golden tickets tomorrow?

Thought they were supposed to start tomorrow but I don’t see a tweet?




Wish I was more excited for this but the horrible picks so far got me down on it.


Kraelo also said that He hopes these Can start going out Next Thursday but indeed will not be Today as of Monday they only 1 left to get but they'd let us Know more Next week on a time line as to when they'll start,so with any luck a week from today we'll start getting them.


Golden tickets don’t come around till after position heroes at least. I expect them in may


Kraelo said Monday “very soon”... i wouldn’t think May would be “very soon” - i expect them next Thursday. we will get 2 a week for 10 weeks (this puts the last set of GTs being released on June 4th)


I didn’t know this. I’m looking forward to these 12 QBs lol


Only one i really want is one guy no one else in the community probably wants... and it’s GT Mitch Trubisky. Had heard rumors of him possibly being made early on - but haven’t anything since.


Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I wish there was more variety in positions. That being said, I will probably get a GT QB that has HRM and 99 THP.


Missed that news. Guess you’re right. My apologies


if not next Thursday, i would say April 9th at the latest


I just hope josh is one of the first two.


LOL I’d be good with either him or Cam been going back and forth between the 2 of them. Was thinking about getting Ron Mexico but figured I try to go with someone different


Just hope the dude have Allen some nice boost to his short and mid.


Yeah gonna be interesting to see how the stats look but one thing for damn sure Allen will be able to throw it out of the damn stadium


Yup!!!!! His 93 card has 99 throw power and throws so many bombs


Hoping it’s next Thursday I think they said on stream wouldn’t be this week


Never said. Probably another few weeks


Hoping you get your Boy Allen he looks like he could be a sick card Homie