
Is the Easter Egg chase worth it?

I've got like twenty something.I'm leery of spending 5,000 coins or silver/gold  tokens for these eggs.Are these players wroth it to you? Need Advice.Thanks community


I don’t consider it free.  But I do think it’ll be worth the coin investment for a 97 Center.  Just too expensive of a position to not work towards.


Started out thinking I would collect all possible eggs on my main and 3 farms and end up with LT, 4 NATs and enough eggs for one of the captains(Casey).  Got all eggs on all accounts through yesterday.  Today I decided to scrap that plan - turned in all eggs and got 2 Hare Champs, 2 Tortoise champs, and sold LT for about $850K.  With those coins and about $700K and selling some cards, I ended up with Whitworth, Yanda, Kendricks, Davis, and bought 98 Toughness Woodson, and 98 Toughness Sanders. I decided that was great for the promo and am done collecting eggs at this point.  I have about $500k left. 97OVR and now I’m just focusing on grinding for NTL to team with Woodson, Blount, Krause, and Redd in my defensive backfield.  Need 3 more online wins and about 10,000 passing yards and 75 passing TDS.  This week hopefully and I’ll be done with upgrades for a while!


Quote from thorzeus85 >> Quote from Guzguzman >> Do you like free stuff?

 How do you define "free?" 5k a pop or the going prices for silver/gold tokens are hardly what I'd consider free.

 True. It’s all part of the game, you jump or you don’t.


Yes! Those eggs enabled me to build LT for cheaper than I thought... But if you aren't going to use them for players, you can still do the 1 egg set and get coins from that... I would hold onto them until the 9th and then decide from there...


If you like the players you get the eggs and get the player.  I hear Ya on the gold token and the silver.  

Depends really


Quote from thorzeus85 >> Quote from Guzguzman >> Do you like free stuff?

 How do you define "free?" 5k a pop or the going prices for silver/gold tokens are hardly what I'd consider free.

Agree, someone did the math and it seems to me it is smarter to pass on the 5,000 coin opportunities, just avoid the flashy 60 egg collection and use the others to get cards you can flip on AH to build bank. IMHO.


Quote from thorzeus85 >> Quote from Guzguzman >> Do you like free stuff?

 How do you define "free?" 5k a pop or the going prices for silver/gold tokens are hardly what I'd consider free.

 That's my biggest concern. Fine to get eggs for solos or such, but 5k or silver/gold tokens is not insignificant. Do we know if those Captains are NAT?


Quote from Guzguzman >> Do you like free stuff?

 How do you define "free?" 5k a pop or the going prices for silver/gold tokens are hardly what I'd consider free.


Yeah I’m doing the egg trade ins but I might stop using gold tokens and just trading in players instead if it’s cheaper since gold tokens have went up In price I think it’s worth doing the set tho


Do you like free stuff?


I'd say yes. You can get these eggs for fairly cheap in exchange for an impact player that wont drop in price due to his rarity


Wait it out a little.  Might not need all of them ya know.  I need Casey so doing it on a farm for the powerup, but the cost does seem a lil high in places.  But if you can keep it at 5k a piece plus the freebies should be under 300k at the absolute most.

Nothing seems to be expiring this week,  so you can just do the solos and cheap ones for now.