
Today a good day to buy?

I was just checking my watchlist and noticed that Adam Vitateri dropped over 50% and also r&r Woodson dropped like 300k. Is this the new norm for these players because of PH or is today just a good day?


10-4.  Goiddeals to be had,  Market is a wreck right now. No selling, wait till Tuesday or midweek.


I went ahead and bought that 94 Vinateri. Huge upgrade for me since I was still rolling with core Gano. That FK chem is no joke!


Yep plus they reset the best of the best pack this morning,  a ton of 96+ ovr hitting the market


Much guess is the Ph packs have put out a surplus of Kickers and specific positions.


I think PH is really creating a lot of market action.  Prices are low and I expect them to be a bit higher once things settle down after the PH Defense next weekend.  Nobody knows the real answer but that's my guess.