
What is in the EA Access Award Pack?

I received it and opened it and it reveals your choice of teams. I don't want to choose my actual team cause they had a bad season. Thinking about picking one of the top 4 teams like the Saints. Anyone open theirs and pick and team and can team me what they got? Was is just non-sense? Thanks!


Nothing but hot garbage. It's a gold pack. I picked the Saints and got 2 gold cards and nothing higher than a 74 OVR. Thanks for your generosity EA.


I would pick a good playoff team & hold for playoff promo this weekend.


I received it and opened it and it reveals your choice of teams. I don't want to choose my actual team cause they had a bad season. Thinking about picking one of the top 4 teams like the Saints. Anyone open theirs and pick and team and can team me what they got? Was is just non-sense? Thanks!