
lineup help, PH defense choice

lots of anticipation for the Def PH and I pull   P, SS, and Miller. oh joy.  was hoping for HaHa or Gilmore.  You can see my team in link and not sure which way to go. Not started playing any online games yet. just solos and soon will online some. I don't have a lot of the pieces to build any up to 98 PH super cheap. I am thinking I do have a lot of needed for Miller and can spend maybe 300k to finish. Would then sell for 675-700k and net a couple hundred profit. could then use to buy 94 I want. Trying to get team to 94 and 95 to finish objectives. I am going to be getting Jackson boss battle so wouldn't need Miller. Or am I better off finishing MIller and keeping and the just getting Too Tall.  fyi have 960k to use Thanks for advice

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