
Cheeser Trash

Just played this really racist kid, franklin3243.. Ran outside toss with Barry all game. Took me 3 quarters to figure it out but I did. He barely won, then wanted to talk trash. Rematch, he runs 3 tosses all for losses. It's 3rd and 28, and he quits.

Bruh, if you're here, I hope you see this. You suck man.


Why would you call someone a racist?


I had someone  paise the game and send me messages trash talking or sending emojis after every int or sack i kade. Or if i made a big play.   I hate that sh*t I just told him shut up and play the game. I end up losing by 2 by some random madden nonsense  but by the end hes trying to message me and be cool im like nahhhh bruh.  Cant stand people that feel the need to message after every other play


Nothing worse than a cheeser who literally has no other strategy. I had a guy message me and call me a bum after he kept running C routes and would either get sacked or throw a pick trying to force it against a cover 2. Hilarious when you get one of those guys and you can shut down what they do, they crumble and then try to throw as many insults at you as they can.