
Why is Pace so cheap?

looks decent but why so cheap


I bought him cause he is so cheap and put him at Rt thomas at lt.  Lt has lots of options rt doesn’t currently


Hes a good card but its a position with a lot of options and they seemed to flood the market.


Too many LT's, and Pace isn't better than Joe Thomas.


I think it’s just the amp not of NATs at that position. I picked Whitworth as one of my NATs from the Lawrence Taylor set, so I can’t justify spending coin to upgrade there just yet. A lot of the sets that give back NATs and a set master seem to include LTs as an option.


Quote from Staubach12 >> May be somewhat due to high end Left Tackle overload  compared to other positions  (PH Smith, UL Jones, LTD. Thomas)

I also believe this


I sold my 94 chad Johnson to buy another wr! I saw I couldn’t afford him so bought a legends pack and pulled Rod Woodson in the second round and Pace in the final round! Got my wr and some help on defense


4x The LTD Card 1/4 the price


May be somewhat due to high end Left Tackle overload  compared to other positions  (PH Smith, UL Jones, LTD. Thomas)


I pulled two, Tyron Smith fits all my chems and balls out so I was excited and then saw the undercutting lol. Still, coins are coins.


yep lots of them to go around


I pulled one in the 91+ BB exchange set.

Gonna keep for now, would sell if his price goes up.


because there are 25,000 of him


Same thing as mariota just too many of them at a position that’s not overly expensive.  Most peeps are happy with their freebie LTs,  bb peters, gauntlet penn, mf peters etc.

He will go up.  Bought two this afternoon.  Will sell one after I figure out if I want ptr for his benefit or gd for my teams.


UL LTDs have been really easy to pull.  Many people ripping packs due to Ray Lewis.  Undercutting prices and high inventory is my guess.