Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> Quote from lacedup18 >>
Quote from TSLGND >> L2/R2/Square or LT/RT/X always "gives up" your player. They just buckle and fall down. So you can use this method with the QB or anybody else for instance a low carry rb or wr over the middle.
If scrambling with your qb all you need to do is let go of turbo and hit square or x. You can still hold any direction you want.
This exactly.
Quote from kingkurt42 >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Don't try to slide inside your opponent's five yard line - because the celebration button is too similar to the slide button. Either try to make a move for the TD or just press R1 and hope you don't fumble
Quote from kyngcolby >> I also use L2 and R2, but I will try out the other option cause I'm now curious if I've been putting my game hands into early retirement working to hard.
Also, you actually “slide” and not “give up”.. between that and either l2 or r2 slowing you down you’ll get an extra yard or 2
Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
I also use L2 and R2, but I will try out the other option cause I'm now curious if I've been putting my game hands into early retirement working to hard.
Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Don't try to slide inside your opponent's five yard line - because the celebration button is too similar to the slide button. Either try to make a move for the TD or just press R1 and hope you don't fumble
Quote from TSLGND >> L2/R2/Square or LT/RT/X always "gives up" your player. They just buckle and fall down. So you can use this method with the QB or anybody else for instance a low carry rb or wr over the middle.
If scrambling with your qb all you need to do is let go of turbo and hit square or x. You can still hold any direction you want.
L2/R2/Square or LT/RT/X always "gives up" your player. They just buckle and fall down. So you can use this method with the QB or anybody else for instance a low carry rb or wr over the middle.
If scrambling with your qb all you need to do is let go of turbo and hit square or x. You can still hold any direction you want.
Quote from Drew_412 >> Not saying your button combination doesnt work lacedup, but what were mentioning works as well so im not changing it up, cause thats what im used to. Almost instinct lol
I understand, kind of. L2+ x would work, r2 + x works, l2 r2 And x works, left stick and x work, rs and x works. Your just pressuring extra buttons that don’t do anything. Replace l2 and r2 with any button that won’t do anything really
Not saying your button combination doesnt work lacedup, but what were mentioning works as well so im not changing it up, cause thats what im used to. Almost instinct lol
Quote from zethious >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> You need to press L2+R2+Square!! Pressing square alone makes you dive
Quote from zethious >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> You need to press L2+R2+Square!! Pressing square alone makes you dive
Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> You need to press L2+R2+Square!! Pressing square alone makes you dive
Wrong..square WITHOUT HOLDING TURBO is slide, not dive. No need for l2 and r2
lol lacedup18, you're wrong.
It's 100% RT + LT + X on xb1, and L2+R2+Square on PS4.
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Quote from lacedup18 >> Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Don't try to slide inside your opponent's five yard line - because the celebration button is too similar to the slide button. Either try to make a move for the TD or just press R1 and hope you don't fumble
Quote from kingkurt42 >> Let go of the sticks, then press L2+R2+Square. If you double tap the square button that usually works (but will sometimes make you dive and fumble).
Don't try to slide inside your opponent's five yard line - because the celebration button is too similar to the slide button. Either try to make a move for the TD or just press R1 and hope you don't fumble
Wrong..square WITHOUT HOLDING TURBO is slide, not dive. No need for l2 and r2... I donno where people get this L2 and R2 stuff
Quote from An_Angry_Cookie >> You need to press L2+R2+Square!! Pressing square alone makes you dive
Wrong..square WITHOUT HOLDING TURBO is slide, not dive. No need for l2 and r2
Haha, I know, I'm an idiot, but I still don't know how to slide with QB this late into Madden. I play on PS4, so always just press or tap square button, but have never been able to slide. How you guys do it?