
HB Draw

Played a few games this weekend where it was almost unstoppable when my opponent ran it.  I believe it was a trips left formation mainly but mixed in with other formations.  Obviously I could stop it if I blitzed, but I couldnt stop it by loading the box and pressing the corners out of cover 2 or running cover 4/3.  If I did over commit I was vulnerable all over the field because of course the blitz wasn't getting home.  

Anyone else have games like this where the draw is damn near unstoppable?  Two of the guys who ran it had the 96 Bo Jackson.

Lastly why does everyone use the stupid Madden Ultimate League coaches?  I just don't see the novelty in using some random dude as my coach.


Quote from nehi79 >> Quote from mut1fan >> IF I known a draw is coming I usually like to man up my safety because they will play the draw.

I don't know draw is so good this year but I'm going to try this. Does it work with manning up the linebackers too? 

 Yep it does. Try it on practice mode.


Quote from mut1fan >> IF I known a draw is coming I usually like to man up my safety because they will play the draw.

I don't know draw is so good this year but I'm going to try this. Does it work with manning up the linebackers too?


Glad I made this thread.


Ok wow, so the qb scramble mechanic works against the draw as well.  Awesome.


R stick versus run is a tip of the year.


Two ways to beat it solidly that I know of:

1) Run your user right at the HB as soon as you see the draw animation. If you can get the timing down, you'll stuff it well enough that they won't want to try running it over and over.

2) Click the right stick in to cause your nearest defender to pursue the QB when you see the draw animation. This prevents your DB from taking steps back which make the draw so effective. They'll be on their way to the backfield before the HB even gets the ball.


as soon as you recognize its a draw hit r3 it makes defenders nearby in zone attack the QB which is right where they need to be


Quote from mut1fan >> IF I known a draw is coming I usually like to man up my safety because they will play the draw.

 Thanks dude.  I man up my safety in certain situations but didnt think of doing it to play the draw.


IF I known a draw is coming I usually like to man up my safety because they will play the draw.


Quote from MileHighMUT >> Quote from MNPanthers >> Played a few games this weekend where it was almost unstoppable when my opponent ran it.  I believe it was a trips left formation mainly but mixed in with other formations.  Obviously I could stop it if I blitzed, but I couldnt stop it by loading the box and pressing the corners out of cover 2 or running cover 4/3.  If I did over commit I was vulnerable all over the field because of course the blitz wasn't getting home.


Quote from MNPanthers >> Played a few games this weekend where it was almost unstoppable when my opponent ran it.  I believe it was a trips left formation mainly but mixed in with other formations.  Obviously I could stop it if I blitzed, but I couldnt stop it by loading the box and pressing the corners out of cover 2 or running cover 4/3.  If I did over commit I was vulnerable all over the field because of course the blitz wasn't getting home.  

Anyone else have games like this where the draw is damn near unstoppable?  Two of the guys who ran it had the 96 Bo Jackson.

Lastly why does everyone use the stupid Madden Ultimate League coaches?  I just don't see the novelty in using some random dude as my coach.


Quote from LimerickShaw >> Don't call cover 4, for sure. That'll get diced up. 

 I mainly tried cover 2, but tried cover 4 because I had read it can work to stop the tight toss play out of desperation lol.


Don't call cover 4, for sure. That'll get diced up.