Posted by BabyKernAb BabyKernAb7 years ago

How soon will Barry hit 200k. Freeman has N and all better stats

in your opinion


Barrys 250 now..I’m tempted but can’t decide on Barry vs bo


Freeman is better card than Barry ...  and has better more useful chem


Block shed and pursuit don't really matter in a running back.  Barry has better stats and traits that matter.  EA needs to release a UL Barry soon.


Quote from dwellomaha >> i swear I ALWAYS make the wrong decision on madden. i did the Bo set last weekend and planned to sell the HB since it was the most expensive and it has only gone down since, like 80k and no one ever buys mine from the ah.

 Bo Jackson is still one of the Best in the game. I would only put 99 LT above him and Barry equal. Once people realize the new cards aren’t as good they will return.......

Also to the OP, Barry Still has certain traits that are higher


Quote from dwellomaha >> i swear I ALWAYS make the wrong decision on madden. i did the Bo set last weekend and planned to sell the HB since it was the most expensive and it has only gone down since, like 80k and no one ever buys mine from the ah.

 Sell me it for 259114


i swear I ALWAYS make the wrong decision on madden. i did the Bo set last weekend and planned to sell the HB since it was the most expensive and it has only gone down since, like 80k and no one ever buys mine from the ah.

all better stats


Barry and bo dropped. I saw 260k this am


once UL Barry drops