Quote from ssamy777 >> What exactly is the point of playing this game if you don’t play online? Playing the cpu is extremely boring and pointless to me. Used to play franchise and dumb shit like that when I was a kid. Played a lot of head to head with friends and family too.
i get tired of the bullshit you have to put up with online. its nearly impossible to pass, lower ovr teams get bailed out, random fumbles for no reason etc etc. I could go on but you get the idea
What exactly is the point of playing this game if you don’t play online? Playing the cpu is extremely boring and pointless to me. Used to play franchise and dumb shit like that when I was a kid. Played a lot of head to head with friends and family too.
Quote from xprrt >> You can trade low elites for 1 token or high elites for 6 tokens. So the amount of tokens you can get is unlimited. If u dont want to play H2H u can get those tokens through the exchange sets.
i might just do the exchange set then. i started playing mut in december and my h2h record is only 16-13 so far lol i fucking hate it
so ive been reading if youre level 50 and do all of the objectives and every daily youll have enough tokens to do 2 96s right? well i dont like h2h on this game. is there a work around this somehow? i already bought one of the 2200 point bundles and traded the base elites in for a 89. can i do that again to get the 12 tokens i would need or do you have to do the h2h stuff?