I love corner strike, its been one of my favorite passing plays for a looong time. I dont run into my opponents using it much, but cover 2 will be your best bet at stopping it. Atleast when i run corner strike, cover 2 is the defense i have the least success against.
If they are on one of the hashes, man it up. The CPU can handle the short side of the field. User the other. Unfortunately, as more people are learning about breakpoint passing, stuff like this is only gonna get harder and harder to defend against, because it makes your 91+ zone defenders go full retard.
Might as well be a glitch. Man coverage doesn't work in this game, and cover 3 is literally beat by everything that isn't a run.
Is there a way of stopping this? I've yet to see anything and I just got exposed by it on WL every third play...