I had Mack sold him so I could do the Von Miller power up....just too great to pass up. I was wanting to get Jackson for the Boss as his stats look amazing though.
Quote from SpellDX >> You should donate any unwanted/unneeded coins to me! :)
Haha, I’ll give you a decent rate for your MHC! PM me.
Quote from mubby33 >> Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from mubby33 >> If u like him then go for it. My only beef with him is that UP chem. Really have not seen enough of it to become a believer. I'm rolling with him until I get boss battle jackson. Macks pass rushing is great but im not really going to droo him into coverage. Jackson is going to be so much more versitile and im going to love that 91 zone on him.
I have him and run a 4-3. He’s better in coverage than I expected, great against the run and blitzing. I also move him to RE in nickle and dime packages.
Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from mubby33 >> If u like him then go for it. My only beef with him is that UP chem. Really have not seen enough of it to become a believer. I'm rolling with him until I get boss battle jackson. Macks pass rushing is great but im not really going to droo him into coverage. Jackson is going to be so much more versitile and im going to love that 91 zone on him.
Quote from mubby33 >> If u like him then go for it. My only beef with him is that UP chem. Really have not seen enough of it to become a believer. I'm rolling with him until I get boss battle jackson. Macks pass rushing is great but im not really going to droo him into coverage. Jackson is going to be so much more versitile and im going to love that 91 zone on him.
True. He seems so far away though, haha. And Mack is a personal fave. :)
If u like him then go for it. My only beef with him is that UP chem. Really have not seen enough of it to become a believer. I'm rolling with him until I get boss battle jackson. Macks pass rushing is great but im not really going to droo him into coverage. Jackson is going to be so much more versitile and im going to love that 91 zone on him.
Quote from stang10 >> That's what its all about having fun man! I like my PU Mack he will be my end game at lolb. I only done a few PUs but Mack, Rodgers and D Jones have played very well for me.
Rodgers? Are you kidding me? How dare you not ride and die with the great ELITE Joe Flacco. Shame...
I was bored, sniped his core elite for around 30K, and got all the pieces to upgrade him. Anyone see a big difference? At this point of the game, just tossing some coins around, haha. :P any other powerup guys worth looking at?
PS - I know it’s a coin sink... just having some fun with my coins! :)