
Will the new Veteran and FB Cards have any chemistry attached?

Like will any of the new cards have Energized,Secure Tackler and etc?


I wouldnt think so but who knows.  we'll find out soon.


A dez and Richard Sherman would be nice


probably so seeing as the replay cards are now coming with Elite chems, I don't see why this batch + future flashbacks wouldn't have them. Hoping for a flashback DT and or Dez


Quote from ebtandbackpage >> Like will any of the new cards have Energized,Secure Tackler and etc?

 This is a good question. A lot of things have changed from year to year, so it’s all speculation at this point.


Hoping really bad for a Matthew stafford


Ok just was curious. This my first year so I don't know if they released flashbacks last year and how they evolve. thanks.


I hope! We should know in a few hrs

Nobody will know that before they're revealed.  They haven't had Ability Chems in previous releases.