Grind solos and most of all do your daily objectives. You could get lucky in one of those.
Quote from mutmitch >> Quote from Caallmegod9 >> Grind solos or buy the coins. Packs are too random.
HOw do you buy coins?
Discussions involving coin buying are a violation of TOS.
Quote from Caallmegod9 >> Grind solos or buy the coins. Packs are too random.
Quote from Caallmegod9 >> Grind solos or buy the coins. Packs are too random.
HOw do you buy coins?
If I were to spend money on packs, I would definitely make my decision based on bundle toppers.
1 UL pack is roughly 50k minimum if u sell all UL bundle is 50k x 4 +150k minimum. At worst ur probably around 350k from bundle but probably more. I’ve been getting minimum 400k out of every bundle If I sell everything. Been buying a bundle every weekend since UL came out and have had pretty good luck
if you get to level 50 and drop the 20 bucks you're guaranteed atleast a 96 and between the 2 accounts I have gotten to level 50 I've gotten 400k von miller and 700k coin larry allen. Pretty good luck so far
Youre guarenteed at least 2 cards selling for about 13k in the prospect packs, mifht get lucky and hit one of the 80k players. Still packs are a risk. But this at least guarentees something that selling right now.
Packs r hit or miss. Mostly miss. But if ur gonna buy packs buying the bundle is a better option. The guaranteed 93+ topper is worth 150k+ depending what u pull. Out of UL bundle I make minimum 400k if I sell everything. Sometimes u can get luck. Last week in 1 bundle I pulled 3 out of 5 including 93 and 94 for Haley so I made him for 75k plus pulled Munoz. This week I pulled 3of 5 for moss including 95 and 94 reed. So made moss for 900 and reed for 900
If your gonna do it it's more about the topper or dumb luck honestly . If it was me I'd wait for tomorrow for a hopeful combine topper or do the UL bundle but not the individual packs.
If you want to make coins because you don’t have any packs are NOT the way to go
I want about 200 K, what packs should I buy to make some coins? I cant believe the UL packs are 20 bucks lol. So you could drop 20 bucks and get a crap low level UL piece? Crazy.