Posted by Caallmegod9 Caallmegod97 years ago

Gauntlet Suggs

Is he any good? I just recently switched to a hybrid 3-4 and have David as my ROLB. Suggs is better in just about every aspect other than speed. I'm wondering if I should replace David. I have these coins and essentially no idea what to do with them. Any help is appreciated.


He is a goon his speed was a non factor for me I just upgraded to Harrison just cause Suggs been my rolb all year wanted something new lol u won't be disappointed and he will get picks.


I'm using TOTY David (NAT) as my ROLB in a 3-4 and he's been amazing for me. He's great in coverage seals the edge great. Doesn't make any astonishing plays or anything crazy, but he holds his own.


I haven't used the Gauntlet version but I think SPD is passing Suggs viability by especially if your gonna consider putting him in coverage.  My UF Suggs went from pretty solid to completely dormant recently.  Still run him but find myself putting in 91 Jason Taylor a lot for a little more hustle and natural ability if you will.

For me I would only run Suggs as a pass rusher and David as a coverage OLB.  Probably need to find someone in the middle of those two if your going to do both.