Posted by Jbcho1 Jbcho17 years ago

Tier 5 PF made PO Kawann Short godly!!

I picked out Combine Poe because Poe cards are great, but I had to go back to PO Kawann Short. At PF tier 5, he has 97 tackle and 99 blockshed, with hit power up to 88! Check him out! I sold MJG a while back, but I think this guy plays just as well!


Quote from iTs_jonboi817 >> Quote from PK67 >> Yeah good luck finding his TOTW for under 400k. It sits around 700-800k more times then not.

Me thinks someone wants his card sold.

 tell me about it :( , i want to power him up but this card is killing me !

 I didn’t even realize he had one, haha.


Quote from PK67 >> Yeah good luck finding his TOTW for under 400k. It sits around 700-800k more times then not.

Me thinks someone wants his card sold.

 tell me about it :( , i want to power him up but this card is killing me !


Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from VoodooMan >> Dumb Question: how do you get a guy to Tier 5..what is that?

 Not dumb at all. They just introduced x3 chem players with chem solos. Along with that they increased tier levels for each chem to tier 5 from tier 4. You just need more players in your starting lineup with a specific chem. Tier 5 is having enough players of one chem to reach 18, whereas tier 4 was 12 of one chem.


Unless you're a dline user idk why anyone would use Short. ST is the single most important thing to have on a DT.


I payed 680 awhile back for the totw card, and  no regrets.


had cox since his release wit ST, my preferable option


Quote from Jonathanmote >> Do you have him in a 3-4? I have Poe and I couldn't switch for anything. He is legit with the ST and nothing gets by him.

 Yeah, running 3-4. I compared and decided to start Kawann. However I may do some gameplay with both. Everyone is all about ST chem, and maybe I need to take a closer look comparing Poe and Short in gameplay.


Quote from VoodooMan >> Dumb Question: how do you get a guy to Tier 5..what is that?

 Not dumb at all. They just introduced x3 chem players with chem solos. Along with that they increased tier levels for each chem to tier 5 from tier 4. You just need more players in your starting lineup with a specific chem. Tier 5 is having enough players of one chem to reach 18, whereas tier 4 was 12 of one chem.


Dumb Question: how do you get a guy to Tier 5..what is that?


Quote from PK67 >> Yeah good luck finding his TOTW for under 400k. It sits around 700-800k more times then not.

Me thinks someone wants his card sold.

 I want his card sold. Supply and demand. You look at what’s selling and try and get that for yourself. You would do the same. Btw it only took me like 3 tries on the TOTW set.


Short has been better since tier 5 came out but I wouldn’t say godly. I’m using him and mean joe in 4-6 and he’s has been great but when I was running him in 3-4 he was non-existent even with tier 5


Short played great for me for quite a while.. Had to switch to Poe.. The ST is just too clutch for me to not have there...


Do you have him in a 3-4? I have Poe and I couldn't switch for anything. He is legit with the ST and nothing gets by him.


No secure tackler is a huge turnoff at the most needed position for it


Quote from PK67 >> Yeah good luck finding his TOTW for under 400k. It sits around 700-800k more times then not.

Me thinks someone wants his card sold.

 I’m not sure if you’re talking about me? Haha, I’m talking about my Playoff Kawann Short, not powered up, just tiered up with Physical Front at tier 5. :P My card is also NAT since I got it from the PO Brady set. Not everyone is out to get you, brother. :)


Yeah good luck finding his TOTW for under 400k. It sits around 700-800k more times then not.

Me thinks someone wants his card sold.


I’m running combine poe and short. Combine po and Von Miller are my only 2 players not PF. Millers blockshed boost and tier 5 PF is insane. That being said I have a god squad on d and when I play lesser teams I get knobbed super hard on the dline and it’s not noticeable. When it’s a even matchup though my blocksheds and pass rush with just rushing 4 is incredible. Short does play super good. Will keep him untill there’s another PF ST DT. Can’t stomach spending the coins for mjg but I do want him bad. Lol.


Short sounds interesting at tier 5


I haven't used Short, but I downgraded from MJG to Poe (because MJG's price will crash when a UL DT comes out), and Poe is playing just as well.