Posted by C7Susb9 C7Susb97 years ago

1000th Post Giveaway! (PS4) (CLOSED)

Thanks to everyone that makes this site great!

I wasn’t sure what to do for this giveaway, but this week I’m playing just horrendous (not getting any dice rolls either, but mostly I’m just playing bad) and in the midst of the worst madden slump I’ve ever had.  Started the week in AM2 and am now down in Pro1, getting my confidence destroyed in the process.  SO, for the giveaway, give me your ultimate slump buster/MUT tip (funny or serious) that will help me get back on the right track.

Requirements: 1)  250 posts or muthead member longer than 6 months 2)  Closes at 9pm EST today

WINNERS:  1st place - 200K (or I’ll buy you a combine champion of your choice and trade to you) - MileHighMUT 2nd place - 125K - xprrt

Thanks for the ideas guys!!!


Won my first WL game 24-0 without throwing an incomplete pass. SO, without a doubt, the best way to bust a slump is to do a giveaway on MutHead!!!


Not in, but very nice of you.


congrats man, take a break and remember to not touch R2 until you're through the whole and past the line!


Congrats bro! 

Only tip would be to always remember that this is just a game. Don’t expect it to be perfect and definitely don’t think it’s real football, especially with online play.


Nice giveaway!  Slump buster; rage sell your entire team. Lol.  In btw.


Congrats but this game is broken just have fun and don’t take it too serious I been there just like you




Thanks for the giveaway, my advice would be: just walk of for a couple of hours or days and spend time with your family or friends. Works for me


In! My best mut tip is leave the game:) lol everyone does that so it should be a good technic?😂😂 thanks for the giveaway man!  Thanks for the chance!


Nice giveaway! One of the best mood brighteners is to go shopping with the wife for one day. You realize that there are a lot more expensive, boring and unfair activities that could be taking up your time :TROLL:

Thanks for the giveaway!


Quote from MileHighMUT >> Congrats MUT brother! In for the awesome giveaway.  

Okay, here is the slump buster no joke

  1.  Get a hammer.  Take the old controller and smash it into pieces I mean get your aggression out.  Like the fax machine in office space. Get an awesome new controller.    
  2.  Employ the Castanza rule:  when you play next do the opposite of what you first think.  Outside run, call  an inside run.  Inside run go outside. Zone? Call man. Blitz? Call zoneBoth of these things change your “juju”.  Will allow you to see the whole thing as fresh

I am a huge Seinfeld and office space fan, good stuff!


Congrats MUT brother! In for the awesome giveaway.  

Okay, here is the slump buster no joke

  1.  Get a hammer.  Take the old controller and smash it into pieces I mean get your aggression out.  Like the fax machine in office space. Get an awesome new controller.    
  2.  Employ the Castanza rule:  when you play next do the opposite of what you first think.  Outside run, call  an inside run.  Inside run go outside. Zone? Call man. Blitz? Call zoneBoth of these things change your “juju”.  Will allow you to see the whole thing as fresh

Quote from Mcmbamm >> IN please!  As far as a slump buster tip, a little liquid courage should do the trick. Turn it in to a drinking game. Take a drink every time every time someone comes out in deuce close, take a drink every time someone runs stretch, take a drink every time someone runs wham. You’ll be fully relaxed bay the second quarter of most WL games! I’ve won 2 Super Bowls in seasons I don’t remember using this method and busted a couple slumps!

 Haha, not sure I’d make it very far with this method, but I’m sure I wouldn’t care if I kept losing either!


Quote from BlairWalshPrjkt >> If I'm ever in a slump I will break my remote in half, go to best buy and buy a new color!   Undefeated so far 3-0!   

 Haha, might give this a try, it’d be fun to break a controller at least!


I have a few slump busters... One: Exchange some of your older players on your team for new players. Sometimes it seems as if their production has a certain time limit. 

Two: Exchange newer players that aren't performing any better than the previous with the older player. Sometimes new players don't gel with the rest of the team.

Three: Take a few days off of Madden. I haven't really been able to play the past couple of WLs but during Seasons, it seems I got a boost. I would take a weekend off and then play the qualifiers early in the week, then wait until WL opens again. In the mean time, you could play Fortnite. They way it's taken off, I'm sure it's not a fluke that it's so popular.

Four: Jump into a different mode, for me, I jumped into SC and noticed a big win streak. Modes like Salary Cap is generally more strategic and requires more skill (for the most part). It's somewhere that you can truly say "Scheme >


Grats on 1000 posts, now on to 2000


Congrats on the 1000th post! Now to get out of the slump, take a picture of yourself, some graveyard dirt, a bone from a black cat, put all those things in a box, go to a crossroad, dig a hole in the center and put the box in, sell your soul to the devil and enjoy the w's



Quote from C7Susb9 >> Quote from xprrt >> Congrats man, and thanks for the giveaway! My MUT tip would be to get Mccafrey cause he is the best HB in the game :troll:

 Haha, leader in the clubhouse!

 The thread was set up too perfectly not to 😂


Quote from xprrt >> Congrats man, and thanks for the giveaway! My MUT tip would be to get Mccafrey cause he is the best HB in the game :troll:

 Haha, leader in the clubhouse!



Just start pausing like crazy....Seems to be what everyone does when I play :-D