Quote from blaze556 >> besides Chris Johnson are there any hbs worthy enough to replace Barry? I tried bo and he didn’t do it for me. I was looking at hero zeke or mccoy but they still don’t have as good as stats as barry. Just keep using him until I get enough for CJ or wait for another barry card to come out?
I replaced my Barry w/ CJ2K, and I regret it now. The N (never stumble) attribute on his and LT’s card are HUGE. And CJ2K goes down easy for the price IMHO...
Barry is still the most fun. Bulldozer Bettis (97 OVR 97 Truck) at the goal line. LaDanian chemed to 99 all-around.
Biggest bargain surprise = Dion Lewis (90 OVR Super Bowl). 91 SPD, 92 ACC, good hands, gets the job done, good return man.
I’m still using Barry also. I just love the way he plays with his spin moves and elusiveness.
Personally I love Bo, he’s always breaking tackles for me. Try the signature Freeman, he looked pretty decent.
Loved Barry. Went back to him several times but this new McCoy is legit. He gets through the tackles like he’s on ice skates. What really separates him from Barry is his receiving ability. Worth a try for sure.
besides Chris Johnson are there any hbs worthy enough to replace Barry? I tried bo and he didn’t do it for me. I was looking at hero zeke or mccoy but they still don’t have as good as stats as barry. Just keep using him until I get enough for CJ or wait for another barry card to come out?