With tier 5 toughness, tier 2 Steelers, and motivators Von/Mosley/Hyde/Casey/Wake (which I roll with, and sub the lower guys out), he has 99 STR/TAK/PWM/PREC/AWR, 98 BKS/PUR, 97 POW, 95 FNM, 87 CTH, and 84 ZCV, and he has ST chem. If I can manage to power him up, he'd also have 99 BKS/PUR. I mean, sweet Jesus.
On a side note, if anyone lists his 91 Hero, I'll pay 400k on Xbone right now.
Here's RE:
And LE:
With tier 5 toughness, tier 2 Steelers, and motivators Von/Mosley/Hyde/Casey/Wake (which I roll with, and sub the lower guys out), he has 99 STR/TAK/PWM/PREC/AWR, 98 BKS/PUR, 97 POW, 95 FNM, 87 CTH, and 84 ZCV, and he has ST chem. If I can manage to power him up, he'd also have 99 BKS/PUR. I mean, sweet Jesus.
On a side note, if anyone lists his 91 Hero, I'll pay 400k on Xbone right now.