
Is MH2 Kyle Long an end game LG?

Comparison with UL Larry Allen:

Long has 77SPD which is perfect for toss/pitch, only 88STR which lets me kinda struggle, 96AWR is nice, PtR pushes him to 99RBK, GD pushes him to 98PBK, is 93IMP a problem for a guard?. Last thing mattering is that he unfortunately doesn't have an ability...


Just built him! 98OVR lets go


Pretty damn close. 99 run block (T1 PTR), 98 pass block (T5 GD), 96 awareness, 93 impact, and solid mobility. His base overall is only 96, because of the strength, which logically should have a big impact on the trench battles, but it doesn't.


Quote from C7Susb9 >> I’m conflicted on this too, Allen makes blocks but takes for ever to get out there, but I’m worried that you have to have the L chem to actually block people anymore...

 He pulled like crazy for a 40 yrd TD by Gordon...I had Bitonio with L and haven't noticed a difference really 🙂


I don't see how he isn't end game with 98 RBK/ PBK combo quite easy to achieve. High AWR for when he pulls and high enough IMP to knock DB's to the ground. He is the hero I will be building through the solos.


I’m conflicted on this too, Allen makes blocks but takes for ever to get out there, but I’m worried that you have to have the L chem to actually block people anymore...


people are crazy, acting like a 96 ovr  player cant be end game. not everyone is obsessed with the 99 ovr team. i personally am aiming at a 96 or 97, that's good enough for me.


Hes pretty darn good.


No. Nothing in March is end game. Quit it!


Nope...I played 3 games with him against some stacked dline and he was great...very good on the runs as well 😀


yes def


Strength does not matter in this game.  At least not much.  My 85 Strength C Rodney Hudson dominates huge DTs for me.


Nobody has any concerns about 88STR?


yes, he' my endgame lg, easily chems to 98


Yeah he’s 98 over w tier 5 go deep and tier 1 pound the rock :0 I like Him


Absolutely.  I plan to pick him up & start him for the rest of the year.  I don’t care about the lack of a red chem.


In for answers. Im a strength believer myself, 88STR vs Allens 96...