Posted by Caallmegod9 Caallmegod97 years ago

Addressing WL

Every week I typically see people complaining about weekend league and I get it, it's a forum. That is essentially the purpose. Sharing news. However, why is it that people constantly complain about the same issues and same glitch plays or complain about YouTubers etc? People know that WL is not for those who have a weak heart or get butthurt easily. I understand the incentive behind playing weekend league, that being to get the premium rewards each week. However, why is it that people get mad at people for running the same thing over and over again? It's on you to figure out a way to stop it and personally, I think that's what's wrong with a lot of people in the community. Don't get me wrong, I love the community and all, but it's on you to make an adjustment and that's the reality of how football works. If someone keeps exploiting you by doing something that works, why don't you adjust to it? Why keep sitting in cover 2 with the deep blue? Why keep sitting in cover 3? Am I amazing at the game? No. Do i make all the adjustments and shut everyone down? No. I do make an attempt and figure it out at some point. However, people complain about the same stuff week after week.

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