
Some People

I decided to play a game before leaving for work. I do my daily objectives and settle in for a game while my wife and daughter get ready and eat breakfast.

The guy I match up against is good and he wins going away. I was outclassed and his scheme was superior. I get the message that my opponent has included me in a group so I open up the chat box and say GG and nice scheme. He proceeds to say that I'm trash and I should quit the game and the obligatory "you mad bro". I leave my chats open because I like conversing with people and asking questions and learning about different schemes. 

I made a bad choice a few months and got tossed from my clan so I dont have many people to interact with. I asked him why he feels the need to act like trailer trash to people he's never met and didnt do anything to him and once again I get the obligatory "you mad bro". This was 2 days after I played a vile human being named insanekoala71 who insisted that my family die in a house fire after I beat him and wished me and my entire family dead.


That's the exact reason I no longer have my messages open to the public anymore. Getting those type of messages are so obnoxious and not worth my time. If someone I play wants to say GG, they can add me as a friend or ask me to join a party and say it in there. Sucks that all these 14 year old tough guys ruin shit for everyone.


I like this group, seems like a group of people that actually get it


Gotta love trolls


I agree . The hateful messages do get tiring . I feel like most hateful messages come from kids who don’t understand things yet . Only to regret the crap they said when they grow up. Or maybe I’m wrong . Who knows


I always send GG’s and 60% of the time i get some back. 30% i get notta and the last 10% is just hate. Ive actually met a couple cool guys on xbox that i play with and lab schemes regularly simply by complementing or showing love


I’m 37 and agree 110%. The younger generation is all entitled,  keyboard tough guys who would piss their pants if anyone talked to them in person the way they talk online. I always try to give a gg but sometimes win or lose I get the ur trash, all that money u spent and ur garbage or my personal favorite u should just give me those  players so someone who knows what to do with them can. I’d Say 75% of kids 15-21 don’t know how to interact with normal society. It’s sad. They all think they r tough guys but in reality we r raising a generation of pussy’s


I'm 39 as well.   I recently changed it up and reply to all of these messages with "You seem angry.  I'll pray for you."    Then I actually do it on the spot.  I rarely hear back.  I figure that anyone who sends this stuff is having other issues in life that make them unhappy and they are just trying to project their pain and insecurity on others.  This developed more as a way for me to control my own anger, which has worked wonders.


Quote from buttrush57 >> As a fellow father (2 beautiful angel girls) and fellow older gentleman, it’s just how kids act nowadays.

They are all internet tough guys. It’s sad. We definitely grew up in a completely different era then kids these days. They (when I say they, I don’t mean ALL of them) have no respect, they don’t know how to lose (this is why they quit and/or cheat), they are internet/“Twitter Tough”, and are spoiled and feel entitled to everything.

 Father of theee here (not all angels lol) but I still love the little turds.  No honestly their great kids, but you are 110% accurate about what you say.  I work with hundreds of kids on a daily basis and I can tell you that everything you just said is so on point it’s scary!!!!  I do the work I do to try to change these kids into better people but so many parents out there could care less what their kid is like because they themselves are terrible human beings.  Over the last five years I have watched a generation spiral down the toilet and it honestly makes me fear for the future of humanity.  I don’t say that as a joke, I say that with all the seriousness in the world!


Quote from ncinqueg >> People, in general, are a-holes!

I check my messages like every 6 months....haha....I don't have the time to respond using my controller. I actually probably can't tell you how to initiate a message to the person you are playing.

Too large a %, yes. My estimate is 25-30%, way too high and not a good reflection on the direction our society is headed.


I’m the same way man I have had some conversations with ppl that can act like adults and show respect and we talk about the game or a certain play/ player  I should send gg more after a win but I don’t because I don’t want them to take it the wrong way so I just wait and if they message with respect I’ll reply other than that I just delete and move on if your on PS4 you can add me and we can talk about the game or play squads or something message me on here if you want my username man


Man I love all the trash talk.  I mean I honestly don't message unless it is a gg or a wow did you see that one play or a sorry I got the EA aids this game...

But when some dude starts talking major trash and dropping the n-bomb on me this is just pure entertainment.   Nothing better than losing to some guy especially a DDA game, him talking a wall of trash and obscenities and then 3 weeks later you go to give a gg and see the chat history.   I have nothing but love for this whole aspect of the game.  The people who play madden are certainly special.


Quote from exsessivehours >> Reading these posts maybe ea should divide h2h games into age groups. Lol. Old farts like me who just want to have a bit of fun and younger generations who's games are life and death. Might be much more enjoyable.

I would be so in in this.


I feel bad for people like this.  You have to understand that this game is the only thing that makes some people feel good and important.  If someone feels the need to message you after a game to trash talk then chances are their REAL life is pretty bad.  They need to make others feel bad so they don't feel so bad about themselves.


Quote from OldButCanStillBall >> Quote from exsessivehours >> Reading these posts maybe ea should divide h2h games into age groups. Lol. Old farts like me who just want to have a bit of fun and younger generations who's games are life and death. Might be much more enjoyable.

Yes!! Great idea. An over 40 league for us graybeards!

 Sign me up

Quote from exsessivehours >> Reading these posts maybe ea should divide h2h games into age groups. Lol. Old farts like me who just want to have a bit of fun and younger generations who's games are life and death. Might be much more enjoyable.

Yes!! Great idea. An over 40 league for us graybeards!


Let the birds fly bro.. They're either losers or little kids. They're gonna do what they're gonna do, don't let them get you worked up, thats what they want. They can have Madden, I'd rather win at life.


Quote from rcaorange56 >> There have been many occasions when I've been extremely heated after/during a game, but I've never felt compelled to send a hateful message to my opponent.

There are game where my o-line gets zero push, I get nothing done and there is zero I can do. I get a little frustrated and then I catch the occassional player who thinks deuce tight slots hb pitch is the only play in the playbook and they break a few, I still would never resort to wishing death upon another human being. I'm the old dude who had to justify buying a 20 dollar best of the best pack and even though I got larry allen LG out of it I still felt guilty buying a virtual pack.


When people talk shit I usually reply Your mother is a woman of questionable moral fiber Than laugh my ass off and ignore them


I’m human and sent messages that aren’t classy. But they tryoically are something like “pathetic” or “it’s sad that offense can be successful in Madden” or “might want to find a new e book pal”. Pathetic is for the glitches. The sad line is for the guys who run the ball every single play or never take risks. The e book line is for those who run WC bunch and get shut down but yet they continue to run their e book.

I never use profanity or vulgar language

Also faced the guy who went 25-0 this past WL and beat him 35-7 as he auit at half. Sent him a “GG pal” lol. Human nature sometimes gets the beat of us!


There have been many occasions when I've been extremely heated after/during a game, but I've never felt compelled to send a hateful message to my opponent.