Posted by C7Susb9 C7Susb97 years ago

Anyone else thinking of using 99NTL PF at SS?

ive got Woodson and Blount at corner and I don’t really want to get rid of either. I’d obviously use all three in nickel sets or in the 46speed, but in base personnel, NTL looks to me like the best SS in the game (until a new Lott comes out). Thoughts??


He’s going to SS for me eventually. Once I get another 99 speed corner. Probably going toughness chem until then and playing him at corner with Woodson.


Quote from donthavethetime >> in previous years this was more common than CB.  wasnt it like 2 years ago we had a SS NTL for easter?

 Yes he was


In nickel they will all be CBs but in 3-4 or 4-3 SS for sure....Ken houston will play nickel, dime, and quarter packages.  Houston has made SO MANY INTS when guys throw up bombs its rediculous.


This has been my thought since news of him tbh.


in previous years this was more common than CB.  wasnt it like 2 years ago we had a SS NTL for easter?


Quote from Aurther61287 >> yes beast. i play blount and ntl already at FS and SS sometimes anyway and both are great. 99 hp ntl will be great ss

 I have thought about playing Blount at SS too because of his height and slightly slower speed, how does he do there???


yes beast. i play blount and ntl already at FS and SS sometimes anyway and both are great. 99 hp ntl will be great ss


That’s the same thing I was thinking