Quote from CongressmanRules1 >> Quote from SpellDX >> Quote from CongressmanRules1 >> I sell silvers for around 7900-8400 as it is
You didn't "make" 100k. You had 100k in assets that you decided to liquidate. Theres a difference.
Quote from SpellDX >> Quote from CongressmanRules1 >> I sell silvers for around 7900-8400 as it is
How??? I can never sell mine for more than 6k usually.
I just check through really quick on teams that have none or 1 up. Price one at 12000 and make Mine look like steals at 7900-8400, lol. Sometimes if there's a few up around 4500 I'll buy those and reprice. I've literally built my team from doing this all year. 20-30 minutes once a week. Cha ching
Quote from CongressmanRules1 >> I sell silvers for around 7900-8400 as it is
How??? I can never sell mine for more than 6k usually.
yea with silver tokens being able to sell them swiftly is huge, because I don't see the value of them going up or down that much since silvers are easy to obtain and most people have a lot of them in their binder.s
Quote from diimsday1044 >> I have only 1 left
Don't forget to save some for yourself for future silver/gold token to easter egg exchange sets!
Yes definitely hold onto a few silvers for yourself for future easter egg sets.
Quote from ncinqueg >> I'll probably be making tokens tonight and selling.....I'm not chasing these d@mn eggs! The cost to get 60 of them will cost more than just purchasing a card off the AH :LOL:
I would keep a few handy. It's only been the second day of the "Easter Egg" hunt and there is 20 confirmed eggs. With the exception of the 3 eggs you had to purchase (which was cheap), the rest was just scattered through the game and easily obtainable through solos or tokens. Also, if you just look at the threads, you don't even have to spend time looking for them since the Muthead community tells you where to find them.
Quote from SpellDX >> Quote from MileHighMUT >> got it. was not sure if i had missed something. Debating selling or building, but something tells me tokens will be needed after this promo so sit it out. Not sure yet though
True, but like I said, silvers are easy enough to build because everyone has tons of silvers lying around, so I don't think there's any harm in unloading some or most of those. Golds I can see holding off on, though.
Quote from MileHighMUT >> got it. was not sure if i had missed something. Debating selling or building, but something tells me tokens will be needed after this promo so sit it out. Not sure yet though
True, but like I said, silvers are easy enough to build because everyone has tons of silvers lying around, so I don't think there's any harm in unloading some or most of those. Golds I can see holding off on, though.
I'll probably be making tokens tonight and selling.....I'm not chasing these d@mn eggs! The cost to get 60 of them will cost more than just purchasing a card off the AH :LOL:
Quote from HURCULESC130 >> How much are you posting your silver tokens for?
I'm on PS4, and I'm selling them for 7.5k a pop. Gonna try and push it a bit and see if I can get 8-9k for them.
got it. was not sure if i had missed something. Debating selling or building, but something tells me tokens will be needed after this promo so sit it out. Not sure yet though
Quote from HURCULESC130 >> How much are you posting your silver tokens for?
Xbox i am putting them up for 7k and they are selling quickly slowing down now though
Quote from MileHighMUT >> why are they selling?
Because they are needed for Easter egg sets.
I had 5 of every team that i made since i had like 170 token packs i sold a quarter of them or so for like 5k but legit have made so much in the past 40 minutes
My silver tokens are selling as fast as I can make them and put them up. Just made 100k in 5 minutes, they would sell immediately after I put them up. Haven't looked at Golds yet, but saw someone else's gold tokens were also selling like hot cakes. If you want to hold onto your Golds, though, that's fine, because they only seem to be going for around 5k more than usual. But Silvers are a dime a dozen, so I'd recommend unloading those.
EDIT: Be sure to save a few (I guess 15? From now until the 13th) for yourself for future sets.