
Does NFC Playoff Master Require Only NFC Playoff 95s?

Does NFC Playoff Master Require Only NFC Playoff 95s?

If so, that's disappointing.  I'm a diehard Saints fan, and I don't really want other NFC teams players.


guess we'll see


With the way they presented it, it definitely seems as tho it's divided by conference (AFC and NFC sets displayed on different screens with the appropriate master at the top, not just one big list) so I think it'd just be NFC players.  They didn't specifically say that, so I guess it's possible the sets take either conference but I don't believe that will be the case.


In for info


No u use any 6 I believe

Looks that way, yeah.  Add all 6 NFC Heroes and get 97 Steve Smith and 4 NAT NFC Heroes.


Does NFC Playoff Master Require Only NFC Playoff 95s?

If so, that's disappointing.  I'm a diehard Saints fan, and I don't really want other NFC teams players.