Quote from Caallmegod9 >> Quote from Beastmode051112 >> Quote from Caallmegod9 >>
Quote from Beastmode051112 >> Quote from Caallmegod9 >> You are butthurt. Sean T is the best player in the game.
I think that Dawkins just took his spot at 1 but hes still one of the best
I don't think so and one of the main reasons is because of secure tackler. I still use PO Harrison Smith (88 speed regulary, 89 with T5 toughness) as my SS and nobody gets by him, even with all these high speed receivers. Sean T has what, 94 or 95 speed? I dare people to throw at him lol. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and yes, i'm sure many people think Dawkins is better. However, if you attached say secure tackler to his card as opposed to tip drill, his value might double. As a result, that is the exact reason why I find Sean T to be better. Secure tackler is end game. Another example is Nigel Bradham. If he had ST, he'd be the best ROLB in the game, but he doesn't. 99 tackling literally means nothing. That's just my take.
An upgrade would be great. Hopefully it doesn't require 27 different badges again..
There always going go to be cards that beat out older cards even when he hits 99 there will be a card that will be release that will be as good or better
Quote from Caallmegod9 >> You are butthurt. Sean T is the best player in the game.
I think that Dawkins just took his spot at 1 but hes still one of the best
Quote from Caallmegod9 >> 1 You are butthurt. 2 Sean T is the best player in the game.
Ok No
I don't think we'll see another level increase and upgrades for ST, LT and Champ for another month but they will definitely come. They'll all be 99s eventually.
Quote from ollever99 >> Im sure we will see a upgrade soon
first answer - not called butthurt went better than expected :grin:
I feel kinda bummed that after grinding my ass of for the 'ULTIMATE MASTER' he'll not even be the best at his position as of todays BDawk drop. Should be the highest rated card in the game owise dont see the point of the whole ultimate master thing and numbering the cards like they're something special.
call me butthurt but i think there should be an upgrade for all the ST owners