
UL pick team help

Looking for help on my UL pick.  My choices are CHad Johnson 97  MTS John  Randle 98  BC Derrick Brooks 97 BC Tony Gonzalez 98 GD I am leaning Tony. I play Packers D so not much need for 2 high DTs

My current plan for Boss Battles is upgrading Linval to top tier when I get his 96.  I am probably getting Kyle Long Heroes2 to help my OL.  With Easter eggs I am either going to fill up and get Jurell or exchange for players and get a tortoise. any of those will help. My eventual boss battle champion I am leaning to Jackson.

I play solos as I am not expert enough to handle the quality I run into online. Havent played any madden in a few years and never online before. 

Thanks for advice


Thanks purplehaze.  My thought was him.


Tony g is an easy pick for your squad