
FG Block Animation

Is there a trick to getting this? I've gotten one animation in maybe 3 months but anytime I don't get a perfect on the kick meter I get blocked.


Is there a trick to getting this? I've gotten one animation in maybe 3 months but anytime I don't get a perfect on the kick meter I get blocked.


You can hold the kick down till 3 seconds are on the play clock and that might help, I hold it for a few seconds regardless with anywhere from 13-18 seconds on the play clock. Try to stay away from clicks in quick succession. You can also hear the opponents click if you have headphones on and that will help to block kicks. You want to click right trigger on the 3rd click you hear. Good luck

Quote from mut1fan >> yes go on and lose a couples of games and make DDA on your side you will have a higher chance of getting it even when they get perfect kick.


yes go on and lose a couples of games and make DDA on your side you will have a higher chance of getting it even when they get perfect kick.