
Solo battle questions?

  1. Does it let you see the leaderboard? Every time I try I get kicked out of the menu.
  2. How many skill points do you get per game?
  1. Does it let you see the leaderboard? Every time I try I get kicked out of the menu.
  2. How many skill points do you get per game?

Sorry it maybe 20000 points I will turn it on and check.  Yes either way I am not sure how you can get 300000 points.


Quote from dadawg1005 >> The 1st 100-200 will give u plenty to do much success my dude!

 What do you mean?


Quote from jdawg0708 >> I can see the leader board on PS4. The highest difficult gives you 22000 points. 

 I thought it gave you 20,000 and everything above that is based off how well you do? At least that is how xbox is. I am only asking because the goals don't make any sense. I thought the ultimate category on the leaderboard says 300,000 total points. Even if you get 22,000 a game you only get 22,000*13 games 286,000 points.


The 1st 100-200 will give u plenty to do much success my dude!


I can see the leader board on PS4. The highest difficult gives you 22000 points.

