
Keep playing guys with multiple full legends and a full team of high elites.

How much money do you suppose they spent?


How much money do you suppose they spent?


Wow. Thats a  lot to soend so early


Heavy loaded teams before the official release means big creditcards...and for the youtube/twitch players that means lots of pack openings....meaning lots of followers watching.


Its there hobby so it makes sense for them to spend. If I had the money, I would. The whole enjoyment of having a dream squad is always fun.


Quote from MNPanthers >> One guy I played had multiple full legends and Team Diamonds. Insanity.

 That's pretty nuts.  And there's no auction house to really work so thats AMS (all money spent) haha.  I saw a few youtube videos titled "this is what 1000 dollars gets you" so that's pretty cray.

I'm an intermittent spender.  But I usually drop 200 in the first month.  I'm by no means rich, I just plan ahead for the last month or so and cut back on other stuff.  Just by not eating out I can save a good amount and not feel guilty / irresponsible.  But again usually I spend some in the first month and then some more for MF.  I just can't resist MF.


Quote from robbd226 >> Just use ur own experience man...unless theyre stacked with muthead coins...multi legends and full elite team before the games out...probably dropped 2-4 hundred easy..only way..its pretty sad unless ur legit rich


82 OVR team here with 400k. Only spent a couple dollars on the level up packs. Just been grinding solos. You can achieve a competitive quality team without spending ridiculous amounts of money


To much imo, but it’s there money so they can spend it however they please. Shit is addicting for some.


Maybe $200 or $300.


to each their own.


10k a month ain t alo t more like 6k a week before I spend like that


Quote from JonE407 >> Only way I'd do this is if I made 10,000$ a month, spending 1000$ on a game is crazy 

 I make more than 10k a month and won't drop a nickle on packs or the game.


Never feel like you have to do what they do to compete.  Some are YouTubers and twitch streamers so pack openings means big viewers for them.


many have problem spent over 200 already its pretty sad this is what competitive gaming has come to


Quote from vassillios16 >> Won’t get matched up with as many of these teams once the full game is released. I’m waiting until then for H2H



I spent 1.50 on a level pack.


I feel better with my team grinding for a player. I wouldn't imagine spending over $50 a season.


Won’t get matched up with as many of these teams once the full game is released. I’m waiting until then for H2H


One guy I played had multiple full legends and Team Diamonds. Insanity.


You gotta think. Everybody that’s playing right now either has received or a code or using EA access. Your goin against literal Mutheads. Only the fanatics are playing. It will only get worse as people’s ae access runs out. Then your are dealing with people who are running ea access on multiple accounts and even more likely to have spent and acquired God squads