
RP Players not showing up in 19? PS4

I know not everyone is able to play on PS4 yet (I'm in NZ), but does anyone know why my 10 RP's from 18 aren't showing up? Is there a certain date they're available or something?


I know not everyone is able to play on PS4 yet (I'm in NZ), but does anyone know why my 10 RP's from 18 aren't showing up? Is there a certain date they're available or something?


Quote from ol_dirtyd >> happy to see you got the game already brother!

 Cheers my man! It's fun so far, mechanics take a bit of getting used to though!


happy to see you got the game already brother!


Quote from damoose01 >> when the actual game is released at midnight, you'll get them.

 Ahh yeah cool! Quote from jjmanning >> Are you using the same PSN account?

 Yeah def same PSN, got my M16 & M17 loyalty cards already


Quote from JDSpade >> It’s tonight or the 10th, but they will come. Including a suped up Saquon

 Cannot wait for the 14th for Saquan


It’s tonight or the 10th, but they will come. Including a suped up Saquon


They will show up when it releases in the us


when the actual game is released at midnight, you'll get them.