So I see that even backups count towards team chem and I was wondering if backups count towards OVR as well? And are all positions weighted the same as last year? Do the specialists (rush RE/LE/DT, slot CB, etc) count towards overall or just the guys on your base offense and defense?
Good question. Myself, I'm going to presume it's the same as last year and the new specialists don't count ... since Long Snapper and 3rd down back didn't count before. But that's a presumption, would be nice to know for sure.
So I see that even backups count towards team chem and I was wondering if backups count towards OVR as well? And are all positions weighted the same as last year? Do the specialists (rush RE/LE/DT, slot CB, etc) count towards overall or just the guys on your base offense and defense?