so I have 93 tyreek hill at the moment and I’m wondering if I should try and get to tier 8 or whatever you need to get him 2 more speed from the chiefs team chemistry, but to get to tier 8 you need 40 of those chems so would I have to have 40 chiefs players on my team? I feel like there’s no way that’s how that works. Sorry if this is a really noobie question but thanks in advance for any responses!
so I have 93 tyreek hill at the moment and I’m wondering if I should try and get to tier 8 or whatever you need to get him 2 more speed from the chiefs team chemistry, but to get to tier 8 you need 40 of those chems so would I have to have 40 chiefs players on my team? I feel like there’s no way that’s how that works. Sorry if this is a really noobie question but thanks in advance for any responses!