
How to stop corner strike out of bunch formation?

From the formation with three wrs bunched on one side and one wide out on the other. Played a guy where he motioned one of the receivers from the bunch out and he beat me every time no matter what I did. Whenever I user one side he just hits the other.


From the formation with three wrs bunched on one side and one wide out on the other. Played a guy where he motioned one of the receivers from the bunch out and he beat me every time no matter what I did. Whenever I user one side he just hits the other.


Cover 4, base align, pull wide side corner down not quite pressing but close, cloud flats, hard flat a good coverage DE/olb under one of the clouds and user the other. If you have a guy below the cloud, the cloud should float and lurk under the corner, wont work everytime if the guy is skilled. Its vulnerable to playmakers over middle and inside runs. Shade outside at the end if you have time. Sucks you cant just call these adjustments in the huddle....someday.