
Finished Campaign/Legends Solos

What shall I do next?

The Training Camp Solos are horrid. 8k player will get the same points. I am on my third one and I cannot take the pain of 100 coin payouts lol.


What shall I do next?

The Training Camp Solos are horrid. 8k player will get the same points. I am on my third one and I cannot take the pain of 100 coin payouts lol.


Quote from Vostof >> Quote from Chance809 >> Quote from Vostof >> I've done some of the Legend solos but I don't see the point in doing any more.  It takes a ton of training to make the cards usable and the cards don't appear to go into any sets.  Is there any reason to do those?


Quote from Chance809 >> Quote from Vostof >> I've done some of the Legend solos but I don't see the point in doing any more.  It takes a ton of training to make the cards usable and the cards don't appear to go into any sets.  Is there any reason to do those?

 I’d say a mid level Vick would be very usable at this point 

It takes too much training to get the 73 card up to a usable level.  You can just go buy another QB, like rookie Lamar Jackson cheaper.


since everyone says diamonds, go for the level challenges. the jerseys you get QS for 3,000 and piece and you get 2, meaning a free 6K


Quote from OG_SicKz >> team diamonds. got a couple elites from the gold packs & you get a guaranteed elite when you finish it. from what i hear Dallas is the move for a 86+ ovr olineman. 

was the campaign worth the grind? im trying to figure out what im going to grind next. finished diamond & training solos.

They were easy aside from the last segment of games which were only time consuming as they were full games.

I think most if not all players are NAT. I picked McCoy and Kam for my 87 NAT.


I also suggest team diamonds.


team diamonds. got a couple elites from the gold packs & you get a guaranteed elite when you finish it. from what i hear Dallas is the move for a 86+ ovr olineman. 

was the campaign worth the grind? im trying to figure out what im going to grind next. finished diamond & training solos.


Yea diamonds for sure is best next step. After that it’s pretty much just grinding for minimal gains in the training camp and legends solos, but it all adds up. Even if you’re not gonna power up a hall of famer you can use all those coins and put the NAT HOFers in exchange or token sets. Not to mention it’s more XP and checks more objectives off the list. It might feel minimal for each individual challenge, but it all adds up in the end.


Also op I’d do diamonds ASAP lol


Quote from Vostof >> I've done some of the Legend solos but I don't see the point in doing any more.  It takes a ton of training to make the cards usable and the cards don't appear to go into any sets.  Is there any reason to do those?

 I’d say a mid level Vick would be very usable at this point


I've done some of the Legend solos but I don't see the point in doing any more.  It takes a ton of training to make the cards usable and the cards don't appear to go into any sets.  Is there any reason to do those?


Team diamonds


Time for H2H :)


Good advice in this thread. EA was very generous with Campaign solos to get us started, but most of the solos are bullchit payouts, a complete waste of time. I was feeling NMS had a shot until I got to the cheesy solos and a day later I hadn't made chit.


Quote from xEBRONx >> Campaign, Diamonds, Gauntlet.

After that, you're in the same boat as me; nothing left to do and not a high enough lvl to play Journey. 

 Have you done all solos? Seems as if you do every single one you have a chance to get decently close to 30


You guys are awesome. I'm going to finish this Draft Solo.


Campaign, Diamonds, Gauntlet.

After that, you're in the same boat as me; nothing left to do and not a high enough lvl to play Journey.

Team Diamonds if you haven’t done them yet


Diamonds have some great rewards—I would do  that next