
Warning From EA

I received an e-mail yesterday from EA.  It was a warning about selling coins.  It is legitimately from EA because I got the same warning when I logged on last night.  Not a suspension or ban, just a warning.  I'm going to contact them later about this, because I don't believe I've done anything inappropriate.

On Saturday, I decided to sell off my 96/97 team and make a Chargers/Bears theme team.  This included auctioning off several LTD cards, so it was a significant amount of coins and TP I got back.  After buying the players I needed for the team, I still had an abundance of coins.  The only player I needed was a 92 Alshon.  I made a post on here saying I would offer one million coins for him.  I figured it could help somebody out, and I would get the player I needed.  My question - are either of those actions against ToS?  I'm not expecting a good answer from EA.  I can't imagine selling my whole team off is against the ToS, but maybe offering all of those coins for a 92 was?  Thanks.

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