I've seen similar posts from other who did the same thing. The best thing to do is not dwell on it and learn from the mistake.
Doing the solos gives you a couple more items. If you quick sell those items as well it gives you a few hundred more training points.
Thanks for the heads up. Sorry it bugs you. It could easily happen to anyone. There is a ton of shit to keep track of in this game.
Quote from stovy4x4ing >> I thought u couldn't quick sell a few of them? But yeah gotta be more careful.
Yes that’s true. The rb can’t be quick sold. That might get me tier 1 I’ll have to check
You can't quicksell that Wendell Chase card. I tried when I finished the solos. That's the only card with the "Longshot" chemistry. You should be able to put him in your lineup and play those solos.
I thought u couldn't quick sell a few of them? But yeah gotta be more careful.
For sure, there should be a safe lock of some sort in place. I also dislike how you can quicksell the only team captain you can get. If those get 99's later in the year, people could be salty about accidentally quick selling them.
They really should have made a failsafe for such a problem (e.g. trading in the cards to get a QS version after the solos are complete)
Quote from snavely93 >> Probably won't make you feel any better, but there have been similar threads, so you're definitely not the first, and i'm sure you won't be the last to do this. Either way, sorry bud.
For sure. Was rushing to quicksell for training points and finish upgrading my Sean t. Just not thinking and I know better
Probably won't make you feel any better, but there have been similar threads, so you're definitely not the first, and i'm sure you won't be the last to do this. Either way, sorry bud.
had longshot playing in the background today and finished it. Got the players, coaches and jerseys and quicksold them for the training and few coins. Realized i should check the solos and of course need the chemistry 2 finish them. Going to bug me all year looking at those incomplete solos
had longshot playing in the background today and finished it. Got the players, coaches and jerseys and quicksold them for the training and few coins. Realized i should check the solos and of course need the chemistry 2 finish them. Going to bug me all year looking at those incomplete solos