
Solo Battles are a nice window into the depthhs of hell that is DDA

the nerfed throws

the blind corners

the missed tackles

the sluggish speeds

dont forget the fumbles and dropped passes.

Its like a head to head DDA game on steroids. 

Cant be denied anymore.


I did find them to be more difficult this week. I actually lost two games, but I still managed ultimate. Also, was able to play the final game on rookie.


Well... on the bright side solo battles taught me it is possible to get your punt blocked this year.


Quote from DeadStretch >> Quote from Dreverse >> they can’t design or Code the game that way

 Yes they can. As a matter of fact , something like, 98% of all video games ever made are coded that way. Why do Koopas jump higher than Mario?

Also wtf does "DDA" actually mean? Maybe that might help us all agree or disagree on something.


Quote from coomercove >> My biggest annoyance with solo battles this week is the Tazmanian Devil routine that I've seen in 5 of the 7 games I've played.  When the CPU needs a score to keep the game's outcome in question, a player will continuously spin and bounce off 4-6 tacklers like a pinball on the way to a long TD. It would be one thing if the player doing this was a high elite, but when it turns out to be a 71 or 72 rated player.... come on. 

It also seems to me like each solo battle game this week is 3 games in one. It starts off a normal game. Then the CPU gets juiced. Then it goes back to normal (or maybe even my players being a little juiced) for the last minute or two.


Quote from FLBulldog >> Quote from Braskilla >> Quote from Tons28 >>


Quote from Braskilla >> Quote from Tons28 >> Quote from Braskilla >>


Quote from Tons28 >> Quote from Braskilla >> Quote from Tons28 >>


Quote from Braskilla >> Quote from Tons28 >> Quote from lachrystillness


Quote from SeanTaylor21Forever >> Mutleaks reveals other team modifier is 50% and user team is 10% its proof ea have a dda system 

 That's all madden difficulty for ya, always has been, it puts way more control on the user, and helps the cpu more, that's nothing new. It's even why they have a user skill point that affects your total score. 

If this is to annoying, to difficult, to painful to play, then choose a less difficulty that you can handle instead of trying to blame some coding cuz you just aren't that good at the game


Quote from Dreverse >> they can’t design or Code the game that way

 Yes they can. As a matter of fact , something like, 98% of all video games ever made are coded that way. Why do Koopas jump higher than Mario?

Also wtf does "DDA" actually mean? Maybe that might help us all agree or disagree on something.


Quote from delrayplayboy >> lots of ea employees showing up to post in this thread.

 LMAO! Hey what ever helps you sleep at night. Honestly, do you actually believe what you say here?

Quote from Dreverse >> Again if your denying this then you work for Ea or just dumb

Ahh yeah. This is exactly what an EA employee wants to do on their free time. Argue with randoms about the game they work for. Idk about you all but when I leave work I don't even want to think about work.


Throw accuracy is pretty frustrating - especially when your feet are set and the person is wide open


Then I got a bridge in Brooklyn I wanna sell you ok ?


I’ve played every game every week.  Not seeing it.  Sorry. Only time cpu ever scores on me is if I blitz everybody and miss the read.


This is the reason why things never change in this game see all the people that don’t believe it exists


This scenario became so common in Madden 18 that I could predict it for my friends - CPU down by 2 or more scores. CPU 3rd or 4th and forever.  CPU cannot complete a pass or gets pancaked every play. CPU throws a miraculous completion (dda to "keep the game interesting") Next set of downs CPU fumbles or throws an INT.  (to make sure you get that happy afterglow).

I saw this so many times it was laughable.  And I'm sure it's still in the code for Madden 19.


To me it’s really simple....if you don’t enjoy them then don’t do them


Again if your denying this then you work for Ea or just dumb 

My heavyweight line is getting shredded by gold cards , ok 

im all for a challenge but I’m sorry not this way heck let it be random playbooks every time but this is all the proof I need and for that I refuse to put another penny into this game ....farming big time , they wanna screw us ...well..,


Quote from NinerNation >> Quote from lachrystillness >> So all madden should be the same difficulty as rookie? Hot take. And im sorry, but if you can't cheese the ever living shit out of a solo, thats on you. Midblitz and PA crossers is literally all you need to do. But shit, blame edm or whatever lingo you kids are using nowadays instead


I think its obvious when my team is struggling more against the 79 ovr teams then against the 85 ovr team lol just glad im 23k from ultimate (fake wr screen ftw)