
What do you need to upgrade your captain to 91?

play all the Gatorade solos?


Ok why cant I use my captain token on my captain and upgrade him

Quote from Juicy_J_8787 >> So that’s how you get 1 captain upgrade token? How do you get the rest? I’m gonna be pissed if I have to spend another mil coins to upgrade this Jerry Rice even more. I thought I’d be able to relax with him at 90 OVR for a while but seeing that 99 version already.....👀

 You'll likely have to wait for more promos and complete more objectives over the next few months.  Nobody is getting a 99 (without chemistry) any time soon.


So that’s how you get 1 captain upgrade token? How do you get the rest? I’m gonna be pissed if I have to spend another mil coins to upgrade this Jerry Rice even more. I thought I’d be able to relax with him at 90 OVR for a while but seeing that 99 version already.....👀


Quote from Persiann >> play all the Gatorade solos?

 90 Captain and complete 1 set of solos and take the 80 overall player and 1 of the collectibles and upgrade to a 82 that will complete objectives and give you a captain token to upgrade to a 91


Quote from ardentsky236449 >> 90 overall captain plus like 5 minutes of playtime. I got it super quick.

 Dude I suck it’s taking me forever


90 overall captain plus like 5 minutes of playtime. I got it super quick.

I think you need to complete 4 Gatorade objectives?  Someone in another thread said that, and I did get the token after completing some.


play all the Gatorade solos?