
Please add custom position choice to Powerups

This year was a nice step forward with allowing players to choose the team for power ups, and choose the chemistry and ability of your choice. Please also add choice of position to this! This is mostly relevant for pass rushers, but I’d really like the ability to choose whether DeMarcus Ware is a Rolb or a Lolb. I’m building a Broncos themed squad, and I was stoked that I could have my power up Ware be a Broncos card, but now that EA for whatever reason (seems random if you ask me) decided he’s a Lolb, now he plays the same position as Von Miller. I know I can sub them in, but clearly EA has the interface already setup for these custom cards, it should be an easy fix to allow users to choose the position. If you want to use Aaron donald at DT, it’s be great to be able to do so. If you want to use Lawrence Taylor at RE because you run a 4-3, then you could do so. The full versions would still have fixed team chems and positions, just like they do now, just power ups would be able to swap the position if the user wanted.

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