
need CB help

Right now im using gauntlet alexander, powered up jimmy smith, and 86 woodson. im giving up on woodson since its too expensive to power him up to 90. i just pulled 89 aenas williams from a bundle. i also have around 200k on a farm. should i build full legend williams and power him up or get someone cheaper on the farm and trade over to power up? if so not sure who to get.

i was thinking gilmore, but will he get anymore cards? will the legends get upgrades or just ultimate legends later on? im cheap and hate spending coin on someone that will be stuck at a certain ovr. or sell williams, wait until i get to 36 (im level 35 now) and get slay?

PU Stephen Gilmore, PU Marcus Peters and PU Marshawn LattiDaddy all play like goons for me


Right now im using gauntlet alexander, powered up jimmy smith, and 86 woodson. im giving up on woodson since its too expensive to power him up to 90. i just pulled 89 aenas williams from a bundle. i also have around 200k on a farm. should i build full legend williams and power him up or get someone cheaper on the farm and trade over to power up? if so not sure who to get.

i was thinking gilmore, but will he get anymore cards? will the legends get upgrades or just ultimate legends later on? im cheap and hate spending coin on someone that will be stuck at a certain ovr. or sell williams, wait until i get to 36 (im level 35 now) and get slay?