
Noooooooo! Not Carr!!!!!!

God I hate this. I’ve mentioned all week how I have to hope and pray that my favorite players don’t get Rising Stars or LTD cards because of how expensive they’re made to be. I dropped most of my coinage on Howie Long last weekend because if I didn’t get him while he was in packs, chances are I would never have got him until his Ultimate Legend came out. Now I have to spend at least another 550k to get this Carr. That’s over 1.1 mil coins I now have to spend if I want 2 of my favorite Raiders on my squad. Let alone getting other guys like Tim Brown, Moss, Osemele, etc. These quicksells make everything more expensive than it would be otherwise. It’s great if you pull the card but let’s be real, if you don’t drop tons of cash to try and pull these cards, chances are you can’t afford them, or more than one of them. Ridiculous. I love MUT this year but this is my only gripe. 



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