Quote from indtiger707 >> To avoid from my experience: 95 Jackson = Made no difference at all so I went back to 92 Joyner 95 Sheard = Garbage 95 Bosa = Mixed review on him because he does make plays for me against run plays. 95 Martin = Decent but why pay 500 K when you can buy 92 Yanda with similar performance 95 Lattimer = Decent but has hard times defending against 95 Julio, 94 Hilton, 95 Hopkins and 95 Cooper ( Who I think burns any CB by a mile in his route). I had to double team him and triple team him few times but gets open some how
Studs: Hopkins Brady Cooks
To avoid from my experience: 95 Jackson = Made no difference at all so I went back to 92 Joyner 95 Sheard = Garbage 95 Bosa = Mixed review on him because he does make plays for me against run plays. 95 Martin = Decent but why pay 500 K when you can buy 92 Yanda with similar performance 95 Lattimer = Decent but has hard times defending against 95 Julio, 94 Hilton, 95 Hopkins and 95 Cooper ( Who I think burns any CB by a mile in his route). I had to double team him and triple team him few times but gets open some how
Studs: Hopkins Brady Cooks
If we’re talking Trash Panda’s... I haven’t used the card yet, but that limited time Ramsey looks like hot garbage.
I picked up Eddie Jackson for my Theme team because I was sitting at 52/50 Steelers Chem. Feel like Eddie has been invisible but he really hasn’t been tested at all or made any crazy bad plays. Did have an insane Diving pick because of tip drill chem tho.
Mosley has been ridiculous for me, but I do run a theme team, so that certainly helps... 94 speed, 98 acceleration, and 94 agility with 93 zone. Gets picks, dives for swats, and moves around great.
I’ve only used Lattimore and I can confirm he is an absolute beast. Has made a ton of plays for me so far. Has the speed and height to shut down anyone I put him on.
Quote from Nikelz81 >> Only ones I’ve used are Duane brown and zack Martin and they have been good
This is the kind of feedback I was looking for.before anyone invests in this promo
I believe that Lattimore car looks like pure garbage but I haven’t used it yet
Never heard of ‘trash panda’....not sure if I am old, stupid, or just not one of the cool kids. Maybe I am all three....
Quote from lordchanka99 >> i think they're all somewhat decent.
Decent would be 2 sacks 5 pressures in 5 games which = 70k card not 420k card
Quote from 95127>> I didn't know what a trash panda was so I googled it, now I'm even more confused
racoons 🦝 are ugly dirty animals
Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Trubisky. EA decided he didn’t deserve a card at all. GG
Hopefully they have some type of big upgrade coming for him
Bosa fn killed me. I think it’s solely because I have a really good offensive line and his blockshed gets boosted significantly.
my vote is LE Bosa.one sack in 5 games .95 ovr.Von Miller 88 sidekick was better for me