right now I have fully powered up Sherman, Rhodes, and Gilmore(hoping he gets a toty). I like Sherman a lot but it seems like Rhodes gets beat a lot and Gilmore is pretty low overall but seems like he plays well. I run man and press 60% of the time, who would you guys recommend. was looking at grimes but don’t want to waste a ton of training if he sucks, also pat Pete or Ramsey if they play well. Thank you
I have tier 3 sprinter and madden physical 1 if that makes a difference
right now I have fully powered up Sherman, Rhodes, and Gilmore(hoping he gets a toty). I like Sherman a lot but it seems like Rhodes gets beat a lot and Gilmore is pretty low overall but seems like he plays well. I run man and press 60% of the time, who would you guys recommend. was looking at grimes but don’t want to waste a ton of training if he sucks, also pat Pete or Ramsey if they play well. Thank you I have tier 3 sprinter and madden physical 1 if that makes a difference