My farm was nothing but 79's and low 80's, I put the welcome back pack players on it and played a few games with them as starters even after they turned to sixty-whatevers. Overalls and attributes are bullshit, players on both my 82 farm and 94 main all play the same and make the same bs mistakes.
Yes sometimes when I'm bored I use a jv team in solos. Maybe I should start using them in some solo battles to help the boredom there as well
Yes, I do all the time. In 19 I am solo only right now. Love to use lots of different cards esoeciallyvteam of the week.
One of the more fun lower rated cards is The 87 CJ Anderson
run at RB or FB fun card
any Phil Lindsay card
i also like the FO cards for this
anyone you like
87 OOP Mike Evans lol, ( 88 chemmed up). That's the only lower elite I have used recently, Helps combat high point passes in the red zone and for Hail Marys..
Since I just play solos, I do it all the time.
People take it too serious, so most won't. That's why some of these knuckleheads have to be 88 Over on release day. EA loves those kind of people because it fattens their pockets.
I certainly do. I like to try lower rated cards just to try them out in solos especially if I can't afford/don't really want the higher card. For example, I tried using that 87 Lorenzo Alexander card and had fun with it. Sometimes, I'll try out those Rising Stars or TOTW cards.Anybody else do this?
I certainly do. I like to try lower rated cards just to try them out in solos especially if I can't afford/don't really want the higher card. For example, I tried using that 87 Lorenzo Alexander card and had fun with it. Sometimes, I'll try out those Rising Stars or TOTW cards.Anybody else do this?